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Terms & Conditions

By accessing or using this website, you agree to the terms of use of our website set out below:






  1. In general


SBE Live Ltd, with registered office at Dane John Works, Gordon Road, Canterbury, England, CT1 3PP, and company number 11065875 (hereinafter “SBE Live”), is the organizer of Southbeats Festival (hereinafter “Festival”).


Every visitor of the Festival gets a wristband, giving access to the Festival site.


Each wristband is equipped with an “RFID-chip”. With this chip and the corresponding RFID-technology, SBE Live can offer Festival visitors the following additional services, whether or not together with third parties (hereinafter “RFID-services”):


  • Cashless payment service (see further under 4.3.1.)
  • Facebook-link (see further under 4.3.2.)
  • Fast lane access (see further under 4.3.3.)


To get access to these RFID-services, the visitor needs to register his ticket through SBE Live’s “online ticket registration service”.


The present Terms of Service govern the use of the website [www.southbeatsfestival.com] and all of its sub-sites (hereinafter “Website”), housing that “online ticket registration service”. The present Terms of Service do not govern the RFID-services themselves, that may be subject of specific terms and conditions as determined by SBE Live and / or third parties.


The term “Service” used hereinafter refers to the whole of visiting and/or using the Website (housing the “online ticket registration service”).


By using the Service, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted the present Terms of Service.



  1. Content and availability of the Service


The aim of the Service is politically and religiously neutral, and SBE Live tries to avoid any discrimination in its broadest sense.


Information added to the Service by SBE Live is the result of profound research and analysis. Nonetheless, the information is supplied without any guarantee of completeness, accuracy and/or actuality.  


The Service may contain or refer to hyperlinks to other websites or webpages of third parties. SBE Live has no control over the content or other characteristics of those websites or webpages, and SBE Live cannot be held responsible for the content or characteristics of those websites or webpages. Even if SBE Live itse...... adds a hyperlink to another website or webpage, this does not mean that SBE Live agrees with the content of that site or page.


You understand and accept that SBE Live may use third party services and hosting partners to provide the necessary hardware, software, networking, storage, and related technology required to run the Service.



  1. Use of the Service


Only persons aged 18 years or older are allowed to use the Service without supervision.


Persons aged less than 18 years old who want to use the Service, need to be supervised by at least one of their parents. SBE Live is not liable if persons aged less than 18 years old use the Service without parental control.


Use of the Service is at your own risk.


The Service is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis.


As a user of the Service, you understand and agree that:


  • You are not allowed to copy, duplicate, reproduce, sell, resell or exploit any portion of the Service, use of the Service, or access to the Service;
  • You are not allowed to use data mining, robots, screen scraping, or similar data gathering and extraction tools on the Service. You may not frame or utilize framing techniques to any part of the Service;
  • You are not allowed to upload or transmit any worms, viruses or any code of a destructive nature;
  • You are not allowed to modify, adapt or hack the Service or modify any third party website to falsely imply that it is associated with the Service;
  • You are not allowed to try to or effectively collect and/or use usernames, passwords, E-mail addresses or other personal data of other users of the Service for any purpose;
  • You may not use the Service for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. You must not, in the use of the Service, violate any laws.


SBE Live reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Service or any part thereof with or without notice at any time.



  1. Account creation, ticket registration and activation of RFID-services


To be able to use one or more of the RFID-services, you must register your Festival ticket.



  • Where can you register?


You can register your Festival ticket:


  • Previous to the Festival, online, via the Website;
  • At the Festival site, at the official Festival info stands;







  • How to register?



  • First step - creating an account:


You first need to create a user account (hereinafter “Account”).


Only physical persons are allowed to create an Account. Accounts registered by “bots” or other automated methods are not permitted.


You must provide a valid e-mail address and a unique password in order to be able to sign up. The unique password needs to consist of minimal 8 characters.


Subsequently, a message with a confirmation link will be sent to the provided e-mail address. You need to click that confirmation link, after which the Account will automatically be activated.


Once activated, you can log in to your Account at any given moment in the future, using the provided e-mail address and password. 


An Account may only be used by one single person. An Account shared by multiple people is not permitted. One person may not maintain more than one Account.


You are solely responsible for all activity under your Account.


You are solely responsible for maintaining the security of your Account (including e-mail and password for login). You will promptly inform SBE Live of any established unauthorized use of your Account or any other security problem. You will log out of your Account at the end of every session. SBE Live cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage as a result of your failure to comply with the aforementioned security obligations.



  • Second step – actual ticket registration:


To register your ticket, you need to provide certain personal data, at least your first name, last name, address and country of residence.


In order to finalize the ticket registration, you only need to add your unique ticket number and click on the “add ticket” button.


The personal data you provide will be linked to your Festival ticket and wristband.


Your personal data will be processed in conformity with SBE Live’s Privacy Policy, accessible via: [www.southbeatsfestival.com].



  • Activation of RFID-services


Once you successfully registered your ticket, you get access to your personal “My Ticket” page, where you can activate one or more of the aforementioned RFID-services.





  • Cashless payment service


SBE Live offers Festival visitors with a registered ticket the ability to pay for the purchase of certain goods and services on the Festival site (including but not limited to  the purchase of food and drinks) with (the RFID-chip in) their wristband. Klopt dit? Of gaat het enkel om drank en eten?


If you want to make use of this “cashless payment service”, you first need to activate the service via the “My Ticket” page, by clicking on the “Pay” button. This will lead you to another page where you can administer the service.


Firstly, you have to select one or more “credit-packs” to top up your account.


Secondly, you have to determine the payments service you want to use, in order to “pay” for the credit-packs you selected.


You will then be taken to a page where you have to choose your payment method. Depending on your choice of payment method, you will have to agree with the specific terms and conditions as determined by the according payment provider (governing the direct contractual relation between you and the payment provider).


After choosing PayPal as your payment method, you’ll be transferred to another page, where you’ll be offered a “PayPal billing agreement”, to be accepted if you want to use the cashless payment service, authorizing PayPal to execute future automated top-ups. Acceptance of that agreement generates a contract directly between you and PayPal.  


By clicking the “agree and continue” button, the cashless payment service will automatically be activated and you will be retransferred to the “My Ticket” page, where you get an overview of your “top-ups”, consumptions and balance.


When arriving at the Festival, your “consumable” ( = total amount of “top ups” that can be spent) will automatically be linked to your wristband and you’ll be able to pay with it at the goods and service providers accepting the cashless payment service.




After termination of the Festival, you ‘ll be able to get a refund of your remaining “consumable”. … 


  • Fast lane access


Lastly, SBE Live offers visitors who received their wristband by mail before the start of the Festival, the ability to link their ticket to their wristband through the Service. By doing so they get “fast lane access” at the entrance of the Festival site.


To activate the service, you’ll have to click on the “Link wristband” button at your “My Ticket” page. You’ll then be transferred to a second page where you’ll be able to enter your unique wristband number in a box. After entering your wristband number, you have to click on the “Link wristband” button next to the box. This will automatically activate the service and you’ll be retransferred to your “My Ticket” page.





  1. Copyright and other intellectual property rights


All texts, drawings, photographs, films, images, data, databases, software, names, trademarks, logo’s and other elements of the Service are protected by intellectual property rights and belong to SBE Live or third parties.


All databases of the Website are subject to the legal protection of databases, both on their structure as on their content.


SBE Live, its logo’s, graphics, button icons, scripts, and service names are trademarks or trade dress. They may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not SBE Live’s, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion, or in any manner that disparages or discredits SBE Live. All other trademarks not owned by SBE Live that appear or might appear on the Website are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by SBE Live.


It is strictly prohibited to save, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, transmit or sell information and content provided on or through the Website.



  1. Limitation of liability


You understand and agree that SBE Live cannot and will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses (even if SBE Live has been advised of the possibility of such damages) resulting from:


  • Malfunctions, interruptions or errors in the electronic delivery of services or information through the Website;
  • Viruses that may, despite the precautions taken, occur on the Website;
  • An error and/or negligence committed by employees of SBE Live;
  • Fraudulent falsification of data by third parties, due to unauthorized intrusion into the Website;
  • Statements or conduct of any third party on the Website;
  • The inability to use the Service;
  • Unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data.


For the delivery of the RFID-chips and corresponding technology (including technical support), SBE Live engaged PLAYPASS NV, with registered offices at 2000 Antwerp (Belgium). PLAYPASS NV only operates as a technical service provider, in name and for the account of SBE Live who remains fully responsible for the Service. PLAYPASS NV. is not a party to the contract between you and SBE Live arising from the acceptance of the present Terms of Service.



  1. Miscellaneous


SBE Live may, at its sole discretion, modify and revise the present Terms of Service at any time. The modified or revised Terms of Service become applicable at the moment they are published on the Website.


The failure of SBE Live to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the present Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.


SBE Live may transfer its rights and obligations arising from the present Terms of Service to third parties.


In case one or more aspects of the present Terms of Service, in whole or in part, are or seem to be unenforceable, this does not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.


In case of a conflict between the present Terms of Service and any compulsory clause of the laws of your country of origin, you will refrain from any action which is contrary to the compulsory clauses in question. You will safeguard SBE Live from any liability on this matter.



  1. Applicable law and competent court


The present Terms of Service are governed by ….


Parties agree that, in case of any dispute related to the Service (including but not limited to the present Terms of Service), only the courts of … are competent.



Check carefully if procedure is correct considering the flow at the festival.


Is that correct or is only concerning F&B ?


Only when using PayPal automated top up


Explain how top up can be done during the festival.


Explain how the consumer can be refunded if applicable